Pursuant 935 Mass. Code Regs. 500.105, Marijuana Establishments shall ensure that all marijuana establishment agents complete training prior to performing job functions. Training must include a Responsible Vendor Program under 935 CMR 500.105(2)(b).
On or after July 1, 2019, all current owners, managers and employees of a Marijuana Establishment that are involved in the handling and sale of marijuana for adult use at the time of licensure or renewal of licensure, as applicable, shall have attended and successfully completed a responsible vendor program to be designated a “responsible vendor.”
Once a licensee is designated a “responsible vendor,” all new employees involved in the handling and sale of marijuana for adult use shall successfully complete a responsible vendor program within 90 days of hire.
After initial successful completion of a responsible vendor program, each owner, manager, and employee involved in the handling and sale of marijuana for adult use shall successfully complete the program once every year thereafter to maintain designation as a “responsible vendor.”
Administrative employees who do not handle or sell marijuana may take the “responsible vendor” program on a voluntary basis.
Marijuana establishments must maintain records of responsible vendor training program compliance for four years and make them available to inspection by the Commission and any other applicable licensing authority upon request during normal business hours.
Specifics about the Program
- The program shall include at least two hours of instruction time.
- The program shall be taught in a real-time, interactive classroom setting where the instructor is able to verify the identification of each individual attending the program and certify completion of the program by the individual identified.
- The program shall provide written documentation of attendance and successful passage of a test on the knowledge of the required curriculum for each attendee;
- Attendees who can speak and write English must successfully pass a written test with a score of 70% or better; and,
- Attendees who cannot speak or write English may be offered a verbal test, provided that the same questions are given as are on the written test and the results of the verbal test are documented with a passing score of 70% or better.