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- Discussion concerning marijuana’s effect on the human body. Training shall include:
- Marijuana’s physical effects based on type of marijuana product;
- The amount of time to feel impairment;
- Visible signs of impairment; and
- Recognizing the signs of impairment.
- Diversion prevention and prevention of sales to minors, including best practices:
- Compliance with all tracking requirements; and
- Acceptable forms of identification. Training shall include:
- How to check identification;
- Spotting false identification;
- Medical registration cards issued by the DPH;
- Provisions for confiscating fraudulent identifications; and
- Common mistakes made in verification.
- Other key state laws and rules affecting owners, managers, and employees, which shall include:
- Local and state licensing and enforcement;
- Incident and notification requirements;
- Administrative and criminal liability;
- License sanctions and court sanctions;
- Waste disposal;
- Health and safety standards;
- Patrons prohibited from bringing marijuana onto licensed premises;
- Permitted hours of sale;
- Conduct of establishment;
- Permitting inspections by state and local licensing and enforcement authorities;
- Licensee responsibilities for activities occurring within licensed premises;
- Maintenance of records;
- Privacy issues; and
- Prohibited purchases and practices.
- Such other areas of training determined by the Commission to be included in a responsible vendor training program.